Photo 1 (110 gram sample treated with chemicals)

Photo 2 (110 gram sample treated with chemicals)

Photo 3 (34 gram sample treated with chemicals)

Photo 4 (34 gram sample treated with chemicals)

Photo 5 (94 gram sample treated with Andean Mineral Powder plus 20% chemicals)

Photo 6 (94 gram sample treated with Andean Mineral Powder plus 20% chemicals)

Photo 7 (53 gram sample treated with Andean Mineral Powder plus 20% chemicals))

Photo 8 (53 gram sample treated with Andean Mineral Powder plus 20% chemicals)

Photo 10 (18 gram sample, cultivated with the company’s traditional organic processes).

Photo 11. (194 gram sample treated with only Andean Mineral Powder).

Photo 12. (194 gram sample treated with only Andean Mineral Powder).
- Photos 1&2- both photos of the same sample of 110 grams treated with chemicals.
- Photo 3&4- both photos of the same sample of 34 grams treated with chemicals.
- The samples in photos 1&2 and 3&4 have the same age, but the sample in photos 3&4 have a yellow coloring.
- This photographic analysis determines that despite the use of chemicals at 100%, this does not guarantee the uniform growth of the plants.
- Photos 5&6- both photos of the same sample of 94 grams treated with Andean Mineral Powder and 20% chemicals.
- Photos 7&8- both photos of the same sample of 53 grams treated with Andean Mineral Powder and 20% chemicals.
- Photos 9&10- both photos of the same sample of 18 grams treated with company’s traditional organic processes.
- Photos 11 & 12- both photos of the same sample of 194 grams treated with only Andean Mineral Powder
- In photographs 5,6,7,8, which are the plants that were treated with Andean Mineral Powder plus 20% chemicals, it is evident that we have achieved compensating the nutritional need of the plant.
It is important to note that the sample in Photos 9&10, which were treated with the company’s traditional organic processes, was affected by climatic factors and its growth was stunted and has a yellow tone in its presentation, while the sample in Photos 11 & 12 were treated with only Andean Mineral Powder and were not affected by the same climatic factors despite being planted with the sample in Photos 9&10.